Sew Ottawa! HST Week 2 [HST Sew-a-long 2018 3/18]

And we are out of the gate! Everyone is off to a smashing start with their first blocks. I truly enjoyed seeing each completed block from Week 1 . I'm loving your fabric choices and your blocks are gorgeous! Thanks so much for your feedback as we walk through this together. Keep it coming. For those of you not in our local Facebook Group, Colleen of Sewing for Sawyer kindly summarized some extra thoughts here . Week 2 Sponsor! We (the Ottawa Sewing Community) are so spoiled with amazing resources, businesses and talent. One local business that should be on your radar is The Ottawa Sewing Centre . They have kindly agreed to be our HST Week 2 Sponsor and have kindly donated a cute tin packed with Beissel sewing machine and serger needles. The Ottawa Sewing Centre is owned by Yasmin and her husband Zuher. They are Brother, Babylock and Juki dealers, Zuher is a fully trained technician and together they stock some brilliant supplies. I personally like to pick up my essent...